Stitching on The Camino

We’ve been back from our walk on the Camino de Santiago for some weeks now and I have finally started to sort through the photos. Another thing that brings back many memories is the stitch journal that I took with me.

My stitch journal was made from some cleaning up cloths left over from my gelli printing. Along with some threads I took with me and all sorts of bits of string and a lot of other stuff I found along the way I added to the fabric.

I didn’t stitch on it as much as I had hoped to, but, often at night, if I couldn’t sleep I would work on my stitching.

I have now put a video together of this piece of work which you can see here. I hope you find it interesting.

Stitch Journal

I have started a new stitch journal, something to occupy my hands when I need to stitch, or just need a distraction. I have made a video showing the journal on my YouTube channel.

Most importantly it is with me as I travel through Spain and the UK. While I have not been able to stitch on it as much as I would like, some additions have been made.

What happens on one side is reflected on the other side.

Most recently I spent time at the archaeological site of Castro de Castromaior, an Iron age Fort and one of the most significant historical sites in the Northern Iberian region. Here I sat and stitched while admiring the stone walls of the ancient buildings, a technique which is still being used in local village houses.

My video at Castro de Castromaior,
Galicia, Spain
30 June 2023

February already! Yikes

I have had so many things to post this year, that I never quite got around to posting. So I will do a quick scan through the photo gallery and see what I can find.

Mainly I have been preoccupied with an embroidered piece for a group show in July. We had to get our draft writing and photos in very early as there is a book to be published to accompany the show. Very exciting indeed. So sorry no finished shots until the exhibition is open. However I did make a short video of me stitching on this piece.

End of another year

I will just share some photos as I haven’t reached any conclusions about the year. I’ve made work, communed with like-minded friends both online and in person around the world. Thank you all for being open and sharing your year with me as well.

Part of a major piece going on show in 2023.
Some silliness with friends in Indonesia.
A female (left) and juvenile male (right) Eastern Koels, summer visitors to our part of Australia.
Sketching in my own backyard, late December.
Sketching in other people’s back yards, Hila, Ambon, Indonesia in October. The Dutch built Immanuel Church, 1659 and locals fishing on the pier.