Drawn In

The National Portrait Gallery is very welcoming to people wanting to draw. When we dropped in, on spec, after visiting the National Arboretum we discovered that we’d arrived on one of their Drawing days, where all visitors are encouraged to pick up an pencil and draw the scene set up for them in the Gordon Darling Hall.

The theme, in line with their exhibition of contemporary Chinese portraiture, was of two men playing a Chinese board game, or alternatively two chinese bycycles. All materials are provided so all you need to do is take your place and a piece of paper and get to it.


After we went through the exhibition there was another opportunity to draw a self-portrait.


Bravo the national Portratit Gallery for their initiative.

If you’d like to join in the next opportunity is on Sunday 27 January to Farewell the Year of the Dragon.

Farewell the Year of the Dragon and draw while listening to Chinese music. For all ages and abilities. All materials provided.

1.00 – 3.00pm

Go Figure! Contemporary Chinese Portraiture Go Figure! Contemporary Chinese Portraiture

Holiday Drawings

It shouldn’t surprise me, but being ‘on holiday’ suddenly frees up time to paint and draw; when it is equally possible to do the same thing in everyday life.

Here are some images from early this month when we took a visiting relative to the coast and around Canberra and drawing became an everyday activity!

The cliff at Depot Beach, those drooping casuarinas are really hard to capture.


A blind drawing of a chair with books and bottles.


Three blind drawings and water colours done at the National Botanic gardens.

Looking at the sky through the branches of a eucalypt.


The deeply fissured bark of Eucalyptus amplifolia, the Cabbage Gum.


The remnant flower stalks of the Gymea Lily, Doryanthes excelsa.
