Drawings 29 to 31 January

It’s the time of the year when I generally resolve to draw every day. Not difficult really. I wonder how many days I will manage this year?

Here are three in a row.

29 January – my friend has loaned me her copy of Judy Cassab’s Diaries to read. At one point Cassab is asked does she always draw from the centre of the page? Yes. The other artist suggests ahe draw from one side of the page as an alternative, to loosen up her work. So I try drawing my image from the right hand side – next time I might also put my pen on the right side of the page before I start.


30 January – the tapestry frame where I’m working on an exhibition piece. The weird red colour on the page is an artefact of the scanning which I couldn’t get rid of.


31 January – my cat, who likes to crawl under pillows to sleep, a privilege of old age.
