Stitch Journal

I have started a new stitch journal, something to occupy my hands when I need to stitch, or just need a distraction. I have made a video showing the journal on my YouTube channel.

Most importantly it is with me as I travel through Spain and the UK. While I have not been able to stitch on it as much as I would like, some additions have been made.

What happens on one side is reflected on the other side.

Most recently I spent time at the archaeological site of Castro de Castromaior, an Iron age Fort and one of the most significant historical sites in the Northern Iberian region. Here I sat and stitched while admiring the stone walls of the ancient buildings, a technique which is still being used in local village houses.

My video at Castro de Castromaior,
Galicia, Spain
30 June 2023


  1. Stitching is so therapeutic but I always worry that a) I will lose the needle/s b) airport security will think the needles are some sort of weapon (although I only had tiny sewing scissors conviscated)

    Liked by 1 person


    1. Ah yes, airport security! I carry a small pair of blunt ended scissors whi h also have a solid cover and though they are well within security guidelines the security staff always insist on checking them. So now I don’t bother even keeping them in my carry on bag, it saves so much time!

      BTW travelling in Spain on the train my partner had a small knife confiscated, but they didn’t confiscate the box knife in the same bag????

      Liked by 1 person


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