Well that’s embarrassing !

I’m absolutely shocked to see that I haven’t posted here since last October!

It probably isn’t fair to blame visiting relatives over Christmas. It’s more to do with having to arrange some major work around the house, not to mention getting lost on other social media places.

Since I last posted, I have had a piece of my work, called ‘Pasture’, hung in the first exhibition of the newly formed Australian Walking Artists group. The piece is based on my travels to the United Kingdom in 2023. I was interested to see what if any connection I had with the country my family migrated from in the 19th century.

The Australian Walking Artists group is a very exciting development for me. It has given me a place where I can develop ideas that started to be realised as I walked the Camino de Santiago in 2023. There will be a further exhibition later in the year in another regional town in New South Wales. It’s such an inspiration to be working with a group of like-minded artists.

Apart from that, I have been working on my latest YouTube videos. I fell down that hole during COVID lockdown, and I have found making videos, frustrating,  time-consuming, and rather addictive. I have discovered that I love editing, even though it’s often like wrestling an octopus while trying to organise a fancy dinner party 🥳 (my computer suggested that emoji). I’m not a big fan of sudoku, so I had to do something else.

Here’s a link to the latest video, just in case you need to learn how to use transparent paints with your gelli plate to print onto fabric.


      1. Sussex is a beautiful county – rolling hills. I have never been to the Isle of Wight but I have been to near by Portsmouth. I have ancestors who were farm labourers but they didn’t move so far – to Hull and then South Wales.

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      2. I gather there were many who left Sussex and went to Australia. Not surprisingly different branches of my family came from relatively close locations in England, but sadly I now caask them if they knew of each other before they migrated here.

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      1. I didn’t have time to write it all out the other day when I responded but also, you might be interested to know, I am in an online studio painting class, we have a lesson or demo and then do our own work. We focus on women artists. I suggested Rosie Lee Tompkins and ended up doing a presentation on her exhibit in Berkeley. I would not have known of her if not for you and I thought of you and thanked you! The group was intrigued and since they are not fiber artists it was eye opening for them to see abstract work done like this in fabric.

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      2. Thanks for telling me. Isn’t it wonderful how we can share the work of such an amazing artist!
        I’m just on my way to meet some of the artists in a group I’ve just joined, Australian Walking Artists. It’s any media but things where Walking is part of our practice. It’s really exciting. Something new to explore.

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