Little books

I made this book back in June and forgot to post the pictures. This concertina book is 8cm high and about 5 cm wide. As it is made from some left-over bits of pages from my drawing book its shape is a bit ‘random’.


My plan for this little book was to do a series of sketches of objects that caught my eye in one of those beautifully set out interior design books.


The book I was looking at was Hand Made Home by Mark & Sally Bailey, (published by Ryland, Peters & Small 2011). There were lots of interesting pots, stools and chairs, fabrics and other paraphenalia. My goal was to only spend a few minutes on painting each item.

The book is painted on both sides and is 42 cm in length.


This took just over 1 hour to finish, which went a long way to ensuring that I didn’t overwork each piece.

Finger Drawings

One of the more unexpected features of the Kobo e-reader I received for my birthday was a sketching function. The device does describe this as an experimental feature, which it certainly is.

However there’s nothing like a challenge – and in this case the challenge is that you draw with your finger!


While you need the whole of your finger pad to draw, what comes out is a very thin line. That’s it, no thicker lines, no colour, no way or erasing any line you don’t like.

There also seem to be some random glitches like the right angle that ‘appeared’ in the drawing of my jacket hanging on the door.


At this stage my images are fairly rudimentary, but that said I think they have a certain naive energy.


In this work I was responding responding to work, The Desert, by poet/artist Jen Bervin whose works can be found at her website.