Quietly Contemplating

It seems like only minutes since our feet touched home again after being away for four months, but again we have jumped back on a plane to join fellow Urban Sketchers in Suwon, South Korea. This is the location for the Asialink Sketchwalk, where sketchers get together to draw for 4 days.

We have been staying in Seoul for a few days and have been doing a lot of walking and some drawing. Yesterday we went to the National Museum of Korea which holds many treasures. I was intrigued by the space called ‘The Room of Quiet Contemplation’, which holds two statues made in the 7th century of Pensive Bodisattvas. I took the opportunity to do blind contour drawings of both sculptures, remembering to breathe slowly as I focused my eyes on following my way around their forms.

As often with this type of drawing I feel that it captures an essence of what I saw more effectively than any detailed academic drawing would.


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