Dr Sketchy and the blue woman

Last week we went to our second Dr Sketchy event at the National Gallery. It seems odd that such an event takes place withing the formality of Gandel Hall, however everyone enjoys themselves, the burlesque is well done and the art making fun.

This time we had two male models which provided different body shapes and poses to come to terms with.

Three two minute poses, graphite, 2 July 2015

Three two minute poses, graphite, 2 July 2015

We worked up from two and five minute poses to longer poses at the end of the evening.

Two, five minute poses, graphite, 2 July 2015

Two, five minute poses, graphite, 2 July 2015

And then there was the blue woman. Two of the models were covered in body paint and despite the colour, or perhaps because of it, I found it much easier to come to grips with the shape of their bodies when I drew them. One of the women was painted blue (not Yves Klein blue I hasten to add) and wore a white wig. I really enjoyed drawing her.

Five minute pose, graphite, 2 July 2015

The Blue Woman, five minute pose, graphite, 2 July 2015

Per usual the gallery restriction on media meant I was limited in how I could respond to the colourful models. One of the other people at our table gave me some chalk pastels and pastel paper which allowed me to make a more colourful drawing.

The Blue Woman, chalk pastel, 2 July 2015

The Blue Woman, chalk pastel, 2 July 2015

I enjoy these evenings as I come away with a sense of having had a really good artistic workout.


  1. I always think it must be very hard to draw overweight people (the one on the right in the two 5min poses)….do you ever get the desire to turn them into slim people?! LOL. ;O)



    1. Thanks. Yes I thought similarly about those two. I suppose you pick up the ‘vibe’ as it were and see how those artists might have been influenced.
      Dr Sketchy is an company that started in the US and runs life sketching sessions, generally using burlesque performers as models. The sessions are often run in pubs or similar venues which is why it is so odd to be holding these events at the art gallery. I know there are events in Sydney, but I don’t know where else in Australia they have them.

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