New Year’s Day Breakfast

Happy New Year! We have a long established tradition of breaking bread with our friends and family for our first meal of the new year. Today was no exception. We gathered at our favourite barbeque spot at Lake Tuggeranong and proceeded to eat bacon and eggs, home-made bread and baked beans, some bubbles coffee tea and fruit.

Part of our festive New Year's breakfast, pen and ink and watercolour, 1 January 2015

Part of our festive New Year’s breakfast, pen and ink and watercolour, 1 January 2015

The weather was perfect and everyone had a great time.

Family and friends at Lake Tuggeranong, 1 January 2015, pen and ink and watercolour

Family and friends at Lake Tuggeranong, 1 January 2015, pen and ink and watercolour


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